Daily Praise and Worship Daily Praise and Prayer Point Daily Prayer Point: Sunday March 17, 2024

Daily Prayer Point: Sunday March 17, 2024

Daily Prayer Point: Sunday March 17, 2024 post thumbnail image

Thank You God the Father

Thank You God the Son

Thank You God the Holy Spirit


I AM the King of glory

I AM the Alpha and Omega

I AM the Beginning and the End


  1. Prayer of Thanksgiving
  2. Pray and cancel death
  3. Pray against attack
  4. I AM the Light of the World
  5. I AM The Saviour of the World
  6. I AM the only Name that can save
  7. I AM the All Powerful One
  8. I AM the I AM that I AM
  9. Yes, I AM here!
  10. Pray against forces of darkness
  11. Pray and cancel disappointment
  12. Pray for the success of today’s programme
  13. Pray against obstruction
  14. Pray against distraction
  15. Pray and cancel accident
  16. Expands of land was released and handed over to us.
  17. A small statue of Divine Mercy and our Lady bless it and go with it wherever you are going. You can use the sticker
  18. Pray against family spirit and unfriendly friends
  19. Pray against spirit of weakness
  20. Pray that nothing will make you to collapse
  21. Thank God for the restoration and revival of life
  22. Pray for your computer
  23. Pray that nothing will scatter your gathering
  24. Pray against confusion
  25. The Battle is Mine – AM with you!
  26. Pray against that which is not of God
  27. I release My Spirit upon you
  28. Worry not, I AM with you
  29. I release More Wisdom
  30. I release more Discernment
  31. I bless you!
  32. It is well with you!

8 thoughts on “Daily Prayer Point: Sunday March 17, 2024”


    LORD we thank you for this prayer points given to us today.

    We pray against death, attack, forces of darkness, disappointment, obstruction, distraction, accident, family spirit and unfriendly friends, spirit of weakness, confusion, that which is not of GOD, we cancel, rebuke, reject and renounce them all in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST AMEN!

    LORD may all these prayer petitions be answered in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST AMEN!


  2. Thank You Most Holy Trinity for today and these prayer points. Thank You All Powerful God for Your peace, wisdom, spirit, discernment You have released upon us. Thank You Lord for the land released for the ministry, let it manifest in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen. All Praises and Honour to You Lord.

    Through the intercession of our Mother Mary, Virgin Most Powerful I pray and cancel from our lives death, attack, spirit of collapse, forces of darkness, disappointment, obstructions, distractions, accident, familiar spirit, unfriendly friends, weakness, confusion, battles, that which is not of God, I pray and cancel all these negatives from our lives in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen

    Praying for our computers and all equipment and gadgets we use to spread Your Gospel, Your Divine Protection Oh Merciful Lord in Jesus Mighty Name Amen

    Thank You Lord for answering our petitions and may Your Holy Will be done with all our petitions in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen


    Anastasia Okeke

  3. Thank You God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. My Lord Jesus I thank for these prayer points and all You are doing in our lives, the Divine Mercy children of yours.

    All the negativites in today’s prayer points are hereby cancelled and all the positive Declarations we receive with thanksgiving in our hearts. I cancel death in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen

    Thank You Lord for holding Fr John in the hollow of Your hands. Plesse Father Help him to the end in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen

    Thank You Everlasting King of glory

    Jesus Igweeeeeeee!!!

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